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Sure, it's kinda funny.

Sure, it's kinda funny.


I am in a weird position regarding the multitude of "Pepper Spray Cop" memes that have flooded the internet since the recent UC Davis incident that ended nonchalant application of pepper spray to peacefully protesting students. Looking at some of the first images to emerge (like the one below) I can see how a statement was trying to be made. And I honestly think it is an important statement to make. Blatant police brutality and disproportionate force should never be overlooked by the public. That being said, I'd like to know how Photoshopping the "pepper spray cop" onto paintings of a crucified Jesus, or Gandhi, or pictures of burning Vietnamese monks or cute furry animals even is an appropriate response to social injustice. Is it really worth taking an event we should all be invested in and tearing it down to lolcat status just to get a few laughs? Like I said, I am completely aware that some people are truly trying to make a point but if you're trying to do that, it's probably not smart to throw your pic up on with the pepper sprayed baby seals and half naked women. Americans have perfected the art of not taking things as seriously as they should. "Pepper spray cop" is not the first, nor will it be the last product of our societal need for crude humor...And sure, it's kinda funny on occasion. I will be the first to admit that I was really pulling for Steven Colbert in the last election but I also believe we need to learn to draw the line, and draw it before we think it's funny to mace Buddha in the face