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My Wired Community: Casey Williams

My Wired Community: Casey Williams

Becoming part of the A&S Wired LLP is to this day one of the best choices I have ever made. This is not because I was given a fancy new iPad, and a guaranteed spot in a suite style dorm, but because I met some of the most amazing people, and felt like I was actually known in the huge sea of students at UK. Being part of Wired gave me the opportunity to become part of an actual small community that throughout my freshman year became more of a family. It never failed that someone else from Wired was in one of my classes, and I always saw someone to say greet when walking around campus. I met some of my best friends through wired, that I otherwise may never have known (despite the fact that we had gone to rivalry high schools and lived twenty minutes apart out entire lives). These are friendships that I will have forever regardless of where we may go in our futures. When looking ahead, I see these friends at my wedding, sharing family vacations, and reliving our best days as Wildcats at college reunions.  Any incoming freshman that is traveling far from home, feeling clueless about the college life, or just interested in meeting new people they have something in common with should consider joining Wired.

As a student from a small town, and small school, I was terrified about moving to Lexington and being part of such a huge student body and campus. My best friends from home were all going to different schools, and I was extremely nervous about meeting new people that I would connect with. After learning about the LLP’s I decided to apply. From the first day of move in, I met people that I could relate to in one way or another, and I loved that I was in a smaller dorm so that almost every face became familiar fairly quickly. The staff and directors of the program wanted everyone to be as involved with the program as possible.  There were constantly things going on in the dorm to foster fun community building and keep students entertained. To help with classes, we had tutors from around campus come to the dorm and had study events to help us through those late night midterms and finals study sessions. My peer mentor was there to answer any question I might have, and to encourage me with stories from her freshman year when I might be feeling stressed about tests and assignments or just homesick. Overall Wired helped me to form a UK family when I might otherwise have remained one of those shy students floating through my undergraduate education.

The Wired program encouraged me to become involved in the university as well. My peer mentor helped me so much with the transition to college life that I wanted to help new freshmen as well. I became a K Crew leader sophomore year, and also became a peer mentor for the Wired program! I have never been so proud to call myself a member of a community and look forward to continuing to build my Wired relationships and friendships for years to come!

Blog post author, Casey Williams